


Research Focus

PhD Graduates

Vandana Toltani 2006 Reactivity of epicatechin in Maillard chemistry
Rajesh Potineni 2007 Biotransformation; beverage mouthfeel; ingredient delivery
Supratim Ghosh 2007 Crystallization and aroma release behavior of emulsions
Deshou Jiang 2011 Whole grain bitterness and the Maillard reaction
Marlene Moskowitz 2012 Role of hydroxycinnamic acids during generation of Maillard-type aroma compounds in wheat bread
Smita Raithore 2012 Effect of polyols on flavor release during mastication of sugar-free confections
Smaro Kokkinidou 2013 Inhibition of Maillard reaction pathways of off-flavor development in UHT milk
Ian Ronningen 2016 Untargeted flavoromics to identify flavor active compounds
Liyun Zhang 2016 The impact of thermal processing on taste modulation in food
Qing Bin 2016 Bitterness development in whole wheat products, including key markers, origin, and pathways of generation
Maggie Jilek 2016 Matrix interaction and release dynamics using solid state NMR
David Potts 2016 Factors affecting flavor quality in fluid milk and dairy products
Kenneth Smith 2017 Investigation of aroma characteristics, bitter liberation and degradation during processing
Matt Teegarden 2018 Understanding the stability, biological impact, and exposure markers of berry products using an untargeted metabolomics approach
Sichaya Sittipod 2018 The application of untargeted flavoromics analysis to characterize chemical drivers of coffee quality
Geoff Dubrow 2019 The application of untargeted flavoromics analysis to characterize chemical drivers of liking for strawberry jam
Ben Gelinas 2020 Characterization of the flavor stability of Rebaudioside A in beverage systems
Xue Wang 2021 Identification of bitter compounds in raw American hazelnuts
Wen Cong 2021 Identification of compounds that impact whole wheat bread flavor liking using LC-MS flavoromics
Hao Lin 2021 Identification of compounds that impact the ready-to-drink coffee flavor stability during storage using LC-MS flavoromics
Chengyu Gao 2021 Identification of compounds that impact coffee bitterness using untargeted LC-MS flavoromics
Brianne Linne 2022 Identification and characterization of chemical compounds contributing to coffee body
Tim Vazquez 2022 Characterization of smoke flavorings: Identification of aroma compounds and pathways of generation
Theresa Pham 2022 Aroma analysis of whole wheat bread: Impact of enzymatic lipid oxidation and identification of drivers of liking
Paulina Ongkowijoyo 2022 Identification of compounds contributing to umami and bitter attributes of pea protein isolate
Mengying Fu 2023 Identification of compounds that impact consumer liking of hybrid American hazelnuts using LC/MS flavoromics.
Megan Booth 2024 Aroma and Sensory Analysis of Roasted American-European Hybrid Hazelnuts: Consumer Acceptability and Identification of Drivers of Liking

MS Graduates

Amanda Schober 2004 The effect of molecular interactions on flavor release and perception in hard candy
Paula Colahan-Sederstrom 2004 Aroma compound generation during ultra-high temperature processing of bovine milk via epicatechin
Stacy Reed 2005 Reduction of stale flavor development in low heat skim milk powder via epicatechin addition
Yuko Noda 2006 Structure-activity relationships of flavan-3-ols in aqueous Maillard model systems
Lihe Yeo 2009 Retention of flavor compounds by dispersed high-amylose maize starch in an aqueous model system
Kelsey Sneddon 2016 A comparative aroma analysis of intermediate wheatgrass and whole wheat bread crusts
Alex Amann 2016 Characterization of off-flavor formation pathways in commercial apple and orange juice products
Marina Trikusuma 2018 Impact of processing and storage on the flavor profile of plant-based proteins
Hannah Mehle 2019 Impact of storage conditions on pea protein isolate flavor
Klay Liu 2022 Impact of Rebaudioside A degradation compounds on flavor perception

Post Docs/Staff

Inhee Cho 2007-2009 Investigation of phenolic-Maillard reactions on the generation of flavor compounds in bread
Xaowei Lui 2009-2011 Investigation of the bitterness of whey protein hydrolysate
Konstantinia Karametsi 2010-2012 Investigation of the bitter peptides in Cheddar cheese
Umut Yucel 2012-2014 Flavor encapsulation; novel emulsion-based encapsulation systems; sodium-reduction in foods
Smaro Kokkinidou 2013-2017 Senior research staff
Laurainne Paravisini 2014-2019 Maillard chemistry, Research staff
Sagar Deshpande 2015-2020 Characterization of mouthfeel activity
Eric Schwartz 2016-2020 Wheat and Flavor modulation
Adeline Bonneau 2018-2021 Bitter modulation
Nancy Cordoba 2022-2024 Coffee Chemistry
Said Toro 2021-2024 Potato Chemistry

Visiting Scholars

Rain Kuldjarv 2013-2014 Identifying chemical differences in flavor activity of lemons
Chao Wang 2015-2016 Mapping the mechanisms of flavor formation for roasted peanuts

Juliana Garcia

2021 Chemical profiling of bioactive compounds in an Amazonian fruit


If you are a Peterson Lab Group or FREC alumnus and would like to update your information, please contact Julie Peterson.