Cho, I.H., Peterson, D.G. 2024. Analytical approaches to flavor research and discovery: from sensory-guided techniques to flavoromics methods. Food Sci Biotechnol
Booth, M., Tello, E. and Peterson, D.G. 2024. Characterization and profiling of key odorants in roasted hybrid American-European hazelnuts. JAFC
Booth, M., Tello, E. and Peterson, D.G. 2024. Identification of compounds that contribute to consumer aroma liking of roasted American-European hybrid hazelnuts. JAFC
Cao, S., Pierson, J.T., Bond, A.H., Zhang, S., Gold, A., Zhang, H., Zamary, K.M., Moats, P., Teegarden, M.T., Peterson, D.G., Mo, X., Zhu, J., Bruno, R.S. 2024. Intestinal-level Anti-Inflammatory Bioactivities of Whole Wheat: Rationale, Design, and Methods of a Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Dietary Trial in People with Prediabetes. Nutrition Research
Thomas W. Crowther, Rino Rappuoli, et al. 2024. Scientists’ call to action: Microbes, planetary health, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Cell, 187, 5195-5216
Booth, M., Fu, M. and Peterson D.G. 2024. Consumer acceptance and sensory perception of roasted American-European hybrid hazelnuts. Journal of Food Science, 89, 4440-4449
Ziaikin, E.; Tello, E.; Peterson, D.; Niv, M. 2024. BitterMasS: predicting bitterness from mass spectra. JAFC, 72, 10537-10547
Fu, M,; Tello, E. Hatzakis, E. and Peterson D.G. 2024. Identification of compounds that impact consumer flavor liking of American-European hazelnut hybrids using nontargeted LC/MS analysis. JAFC, 72, 8092-8102
Peterson, D.G. and Ongkowijoyo, P. 2023. Identification of compounds contributing to umami taste of pea protein isolate. Food Chemistry, 429, 136863
Liu, Y., Tello, E., Peterson, D.G. 2023. Impact of rebaudioside A degradation compounds on flavor perception . Food Research International, 173, 113353
Linne, B., Tello, E., Simons, C.T., Peterson, D.G. 2023. Characterization of the impact of chlorogenic acids on tactile perception in coffee through an inverse effect on mouthcoating sensation . Food Research International , 172, 113167
Gao, C., Tello, E. and Peterson, D.G. 2023. Identification of Coffee Compounds that Enhance Bitterness of Brew. Food Chemistry, 135674
Lin, H., Tello, E., Simons, C.T., Peterson, D.G. 2022. Identification of Non-Volatile Compounds Generated During Storage That Impact Flavor Stability of Ready-to-Drink Coffee . Molecules, 27 (7), 2120
Cotter, M.T., Peterson, D.G. Simons, C.T. 2022. The impact of multi-session testing on panelist engagement measured by the engagement questionnaire (EQ). Food Quality and Preference, 96, 104412
Gelinas, B.S. Liu, Tello, E., Peterson, D.G. 2022. Untargeted LC-MS based identification of Rebaudioside A degradation products impacting flavor perception during storage. Food Chemistry, 373 Part B, 131457
Cong, W., Tello, E., Simons, C.T., Peterson, D.G. 2022. Identification of Non-Volatile Compounds That Impact Flavor Disliking of Whole Wheat Bread Made with Aged Flours. Molecules, 27, 1331
Gelinas, Tello, E., Peterson, D.G. 2022. Mechanisms of Rebaudioside a Degradation and Ingredient-Sweetener Interactions in Beverages during Storage. Molecules, 27, 1385
Cong, W., Schwartz, E. Tello, E. Simons, C. and Peterson, D.G. 2021. Identification of Non-Volatile Compounds that Negatively Impact Whole Wheat Bread Flavor Liking . Food Chemistry, 364, 130362
Wang, X., Tello, E., Peterson, D.G. 2021. Characterization of Bitter Compounds in Native and Hybrid American Hazelnuts. Food Chemistry, 363, 130311
Gao, C., Tello, E. and Peterson, D.G. 2021. Identification of coffee compounds that suppress bitterness of brew. Food Chem, 350, 129225
Cong, W., Schwartz, E. and Peterson, D.G. 2021. Identification of inhibitors of pinellic acid generation in whole wheat bread. Food Chem, 351, 129291
Smith, K. and Peterson, D.G. 2020. Identification of aroma differences in refined and whole grain extruded maize puffs. Molecules, 25, 2261
Mehle, H., Paravisini, L. and Peterson, D.G. 2020. Impact of temperature and water activity on the aroma composition and flavor stability of pea (Pisum sativum) protein isolates during storage. Food Funct., 11, 8309
Trikusuma, M., Paravisini, L. and Peterson, D. G. 2020 2020. Identification of aroma compounds in pea protein UHT beverages. Food Chem., 312, 126082
Bennett, C.U, Peterson, D.G., and Yucel, U. 2020. Nano-structured lipid particles for controlled transport of hydrophobic volatile and non-volatile molecules. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 591, 124421
Sittipod, S., Schwartz, E., Paravisini, L., Tello, E. and Peterson, D.G. 2020. Identification of Compounds that Negatively Impact Coffee Flavor Quality Using Untargeted Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Analysis. JAFC, 68, 10424
Desphande, S. and Peterson, D.G. 2020. Identification of somatosensory compounds contributing to slipperiness and thickness perceptions in canned prunes (Prunus domestica). JAFC
Sittipod, S., Schwartz, E., Paravisini, L. and Peterson, D.G. 2019. Identification of flavor modulating compounds that positively impact coffee quality. Food Chem., 301, 125250
Potts, D. and Peterson, D.G. 2019. Identification of Small Molecule Flavor Compounds that Contribute to the Somatosensory attributes of Bovine Milk Products. Food Chem., 294, 27
Paravisini, L., Soldavini, A., Peterson, J., Simons, C.T., and Peterson, D.G. 2019. Impact of Bitter Tastant Sub-qualities on Retronasal Coffee Aroma Perception. PLOS ONE
Paravisini, L. and Peterson, D.G 2019. Mechanisms Non-Enzymatic Browning in Orange Juice During Storage. Food Chem., 289, 320
Paravisini, L., Sneddon, K. and Peterson, D.G 2019. Comparison of the Aroma Profiles of Intermediate Wheatgrass and Wheat Bread Crusts. Molecules, 24, 2484
Paravisini, L. and Peterson, D.G. 2019. Reactive Carbonyl Species as a Control Point of Reaction Flavors. Food Chem., 274, 71
Potts, D. and Peterson, D.G. 2018. Identification of Objectionable Flavors in Purported SOF Bovine Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 101, 10877
Teegarden, M. Knobloch, T., Weghorst, C., Cooperstone, J., Peterson, D.G. 2018. Storage Conditions Modulate the Metabolomic Profile of a Black Raspberry Nectar with Minimal Impact on Bioactivity. Food Funct., 9, 4593
Raithore, S. and Peterson, D.G. 2018. Effect of polyol-type and particle size on flavor release in chewing gum. Food Chem., 253, 293
Zhang, L. and Peterson, D.G. 2018. Identification of Bitter Compounds in Extruded Corn Puffed Products. Food Chem, 254, 185
Kokkinidou, S., Peterson, D.G. Bloch, T., and Bronston, A. 2018. The Important Role of Carbohydrates in the Flavor, Function, and Formulation of Oral Nutritional Supplements. Nutrients, 18, 742
Paravisini, L. and Peterson, D.G. 2018. Role of Reactive Carbonyl Species on Non-Enzymatic Browning of Apple Juice During Storage. Food Chem., 245, 1010
Zhang, L. and Peterson, D.G. 2018. Identification of a Novel Umami Compound in Potatoes and Potato Chips. Food Chem., 240, 1219
Ronningen, I., Miller, M., Xia, Y. and Peterson, D.G. 2018. Identification and Validation of Sensory-Active Compounds from Data-Driven Research: A Flavoromics Approach. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 66, 2437
Ronningen, I., Miller, M., Xia, Y. and Peterson, D.G. 2018. Identification of Aging Associated Food Quality Changes in Citrus Products Using Untargeted Chemical Profiling. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 66, 682
Raithore, S. and Peterson, D.G. 2016. Delivery of taste and aroma components in sugar-free chewing gum: mass balance analysis. Chemosensory Perception, 9, 182
Paravisini, L. and Peterson, D.G 2016. Characterization of Browning Formation in Orange Juice during Storage. in Browned Flavors: Analysis, Formation, and Physiology . ACS Symposium Series, 1237, 55
Kokkinidou, S. Peterson, D.G. 2016. Identification of compounds that contribute to trigeminal burn in aqueous ethanol solutions. Food Chem., 211, 757
Bin, Q. and Peterson, D.G. 2016. Identification of Bitter Compounds in Whole Wheat Bread Crumb. Food Chem., 203, 8
Forero, D.P., Masatani, C., Fujimoto, Y., Coy-Barrera, E, Peterson, D.G., Osorio, C. 2016. Spermidine Derivatives in Lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) Fruit: Sensory (Taste) versus Biofunctional (ACE-Inhibition) Properties. J. Agric. Food Chem., 64, 5375
Yeo, L., Thompson, D. and Peterson, D.G. 2016. Inclusion Complexation of Flavor Compounds by Dispersed High-Amylose Maize Starch (HAMS) in an Aqueous Model System. Food Chem., 199, 393
Yucel, U. and Peterson, D.G. 2015. Effect of Protein–Lipid–Salt Interactions on Sodium Availability in the Mouth and Consequent Perception of Saltiness: As Affected by Hydration in Powders. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 63, 7494
Yucel, U. and Peterson, D.G. 2015. Effect of Protein–Lipid–Salt Interactions on Sodium Availability in the Mouth and Consequent Perception of Saltiness: In Solutions. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 63, 7487
Ronningen, I. and Peterson, D.G. 2015. Application of untargeted LC/MS techniques (Flavoromics) to identify changes related to freshness of food, in The Chemical Sensory Informatics of Food: Measurement, Analysis, Integration. ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1191, 269
Forero, D.P, Orrego, C.E. Peterson, D.G. and Osoria, C. 2015. Chemical and sensory comparison of fresh and dried lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) fruit aroma. Food Chem., 169, 85
Kokkinidou, S. and Peterson, D.G. 2015. Characterization of compounds that influence alcohol trigeminal burn in spirits. Weurman Symposium Proceedings Flavour Science Proceedings of the XIV Weurman Flavour Research Symposium. Weurman Symposium Proceedings Flavour Science Proceedings of the XIV Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, 31
Kokkinidou, S. and Peterson, D.G. 2014. Control of Maillard-type Off-Flavor Development in Ultra High Temperature Processed Bovine Milk By Phenolic Chemistry. J. Agric. Food Chem., 62, 8023
Troise, A. D. Fiore, A. Colantuono, A. Kokkinidou, S., Peterson, D.G. and Fogliano 2014. Effect of olive mill wastewater phenol compounds on reactive carbonyl species and Maillard reaction end-products in ultrahigh-temperature-treated milk. J. Agric. Food Chem., 62, 10092
Zhang, L., Xia, Y. and Peterson, D.G. 2014. Identification of bitter modulating Maillard-catechin reaction products. J. Agric. Food Chem., 62, 100092
Karametsi, K., Kokkinidou, S., Ronningen, I. and Peterson, D.G 2014. Identification of Bitter Peptides in Aged Cheddar Cheese. J. Agric. Food Chem., 62, 8034
Jiang, D. and Peterson, D.G. 2013. Identification of Bitter Compounds in Whole Wheat Bread. Food Chem, 141, 1345
Kokkinidou, S. and Peterson, D.G. 2013. Response Surface Methodology as Optimization Strategy for Reduction of Reactive Carbonyl Species in Heat-processed Foods by Means of Phenolic Chemistry. Food Funct., 4, 1093
Kokkinidou, S. and Peterson, D.G. 2013. Response Surface Methodology as Optimization Strategy for Reduction of Reactive Carbonyl Species in Heat-processed Foods by Means of Phenolic Chemistry. Food and Function, 4, 1093
Lui, X., Jiang, D. and Peterson, D.G. 2013. Identification of Bitter Peptides in Whey Protein Hydrolysate. J. Agric. Food Chem., 62, 5719
Ferruzzi, M.G., Peterson, D.G., Singh, R.P. Schwartz, S.J. and Freedman, M. 2012. Nutritional Translation Blended with Food Science: 21st Century Applications. Adv. Nutr., 3, 813
Bin, Q., Jiang, D. Cho, I.H., Peterson, D.G. 2012. Chemical markers for bitterness in wheat bread . Flavour Fragr. J., 27, 454
Moskowitz, M., Bing, Q., Elias, R. and Peterson, D.G. 2012. Influence of endogenous ferulic acid in whole wheat flour on bread crust aroma. J. Agric. Food Chem., 60, 11245
Bin, Q. Peterson, D.G. and Elias, R.J. 2012. Influence of phenolic compounds on the mechanisms of pyrazinium radical generation in the Maillard reaction. J. Agric. Food Chem., 60, 5482
Peterson, D.G. 2012. Refining Maillard-type flavor chemistry: Phenolic reaction pathways. in Advances and Challenges in Flavor Chemistry & Biology. Plenary Lecture, 9th Wartburg Symposium Proceedings on Flavor Chemistry & Biology, Eisenach, Germany, 155
Jiang, D. Huang, Y. and Peterson, D.G. 2012. Application of Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography for Taste Compound Analysis. In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors; Toth, S., et al., ACS Symposium Series, Washington, DC
Holt, A., Potineni, R. and Peterson, D.G. 2011. Flavor ingredient interactions in confections. 12th Weurman Symposium Proceedings, Interlaken, Switzerland., 139
Moskowitz, M. and Peterson, D.G. 2011. Hydroxycinnamic acid-Maillard reactions in simple aqueous model systems. In Controlling Maillard Pathways, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society Symposium Proceedings, 1042, 53
Jiang, D., Huang Y. and Peterson, D.G. 2010. Application of Two-Dimensional Orthogonal Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography for Taste Compound Analysis. In Recent Advances in the Analysis of Food and Flavors. ACS Symposium Series , 1098, 137
Cho, I. H. and Peterson, D.G. 2010. Chemistry of bread aroma: A review. Food Sci. Biotechnol., 19, 575
Jiang, D. and Peterson, D.G. 2009. Role of hydroxycinnamic acids on food flavor: a brief overview. Phytochem., 9, 187
Jiang, D., Chiaro, C., Maddali, P, Prabhu, S.K. and Peterson, D.G. 2009. Identification of hydroxycinnamic acid-Maillard reaction products in low-moisture baking model systems . J. Agric. Food Chem., 57, 9932
Jiang, D. and Peterson, D.G. 2008. Hydroxycinnamic acid-Maillard reactions: Insights into flavor development of whole grain foods. 12th Weurman Symposium Proceedings, Interlaken, Switzerland, 279
Tapanapunnitikul, O., Chaiseri, S., Peterson, D., Thompson, D. 2008. Water solubility of flavor compounds influences formation of flavor inclusion complexes from dispersed high-amylose maize starch. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 220
Potineni, R.V. and Peterson 2008. Influence of flavor solvent on flavor release and perception in sugar-free chewing gum. J. Agric. Food Chem., 56, 3254
Potineni, R.V. and Peterson, D.G. 2008. Mechanisms of flavor release in chewing gum: Cinnamaldehyde. Food Chem., 56, 3260
Peterson, D.G. and Noda, Y. 2008. Role of Phenolic Reactions on Maillard Reaction Flavours. Wartburg Flavor Symposium. 8th Wartburg Symposium Proceedings on Flavor Chemistry & Biology, February 28 - March 2, 2007, Eisenach, Germany.
Ghosh, S., Peterson, D.G., J.N. Coupland 2008. Temporal Aroma Release Profile of Solid and Liquid Droplet Emulsions. Food Biophysics. 3:335–343 . Food Biophysics, 3, 335
Ghosh, G., Peterson, D.G. and Coupland, J.N. 2007. Aroma Release from Solid Droplet Emulsions: Effect of Lipid Type. JAOCS., 84, 1001
Totlani, V.M. and Peterson, D.G. 2007. Influence of Epicatechin Reactions on the Mechanisms of Maillard Product Formation in Low Moisture Model Systems. J. Agric. Food Chem., 55, 415
Vunta H, Davis F, Palempalli UD, Bhat D, Arner RJ, Thompson JT, Peterson DG, Reddy CC, Prabhu KS. 2007. The Anti-inflammatory Effects of Selenium Are Mediated through 15-Deoxy-∆12,14-prostaglandin J2 in Macrophages. J. Biol. Chem., 282, 17964
Nattress, L.A, Ziegler, G.R., Hollender, R and D.G. Peterson 2007. The impact of hazelnut paste on the sensory properties and shelf life of dark chocolate. J. Sensory Studies, 19, 133
Noda, Y. and Peterson, D.G. 2007. Structure-reactivity relationships of flavan-3-ols on product generation in aqueous glucose/glycine model systems. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 55, 3686
Totlani, V.M. and Peterson, D.G. 2006. Epicatechin carbonyl-trapping reactions in aqueous Maillard systems: Identification and structural elucidation . Food Chem., 54, 7311
Peterson, D.G. and Fulcher, R.G. 2006. Variation in Minnesota HRS wheats: Bran content. J. Food Sci., 67(1), 67
Morawicki, R.O., Beelman, R.B., Peterson, D.G. and Demirci, A. 2006. Biosynthesis of 1-octen-3-ol and 10-oxo-trans-8-decenoic acid using a crude homogenate of Agaricus bisporus: Reaction Scale Up. J. Food Sci., 70(5), 367
Morawicki, R.O., Beelman, R.B., Peterson, D.G. 2006. Recovery and purification of 10-oxo-trans-8-decenoic acid enzymatically produced using a crude homogenate of Agaricus bisporus. J. Food Sci., 70(8), C490
Ghosh, G., Peterson, D.G. and Coupland, J.N. 2006. Effects of droplet crystallization and melting on the aroma release properties of a model oil-in-water emulsion. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 1829
Dubost, N.J., Beelman, R.B., Peterson, D.G., and Royse, D.J. 2006. Identification and quantification of ergothioneine in cultivated mushrooms by liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Int. J. Med. Mushr., 8, 215
Schwambach, S.L. and Peterson, D.G. 2006. Reduction of stale flavor development in low-heat skim milk powder via epicatechin addition. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54, 502
Peterson, D.G., Colahan-Sederstrom, P.M. and Potineni, R.V. 2005. Effect of processing technology and phenolic chemistry on ultra-high temperature Bovine milk flavor quality. Chemistry and Flavor of Dairy Products, Symposium Proceedings, 228th ACS National Meeting
Peterson, D.G. and V.A. Totlani 2005. Influence of flavonoids on the thermal generation of aroma compounds. Phenolics in Foods and Natural Health Products, ACS Symposium Series #909, 143
89. Chee CP, Gallaher JJ, Djordjevic D, Faraji H, McClements DJ, Decker EA, Hollender R, Peterson DG, Roberts RF, Coupland JN 2005. Chemical and sensory analysis of strawberry flavoured yogurt supplemented with an algae oil emulsion. J. Dairy Res., 72(3), 311
Gallaher, J.J, Peterson, D.G., Roberts, R.F. and Coupland, J.N. 2005. Effect of composition and antioxidants on the oxidative stability of fluid milk supplemented with an omega-3 oil rich emulsion.. International Dairy Journal, 15, 333
Totlani, V.M. and Peterson, D.G. 2005. Reactivity of epicatechin in aqueous glycine and glucose Maillard reaction models: quenching of C2, C3 and C4-sugar fragments. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 4130
Morawicki, R.O., Beelman, R,B., Peterson, D.G. and Ziegler, G. 2005. Biosynthesis of 1-octen-3-ol and 10-oxo-trans-8-decenoic acid using a mushroom homogenate. Optimization of the reaction, part I: kinetic factors. Process Biochemistry, 40, 131
Potineni, R.V. and Peterson, D.G. 2005. Influence of thermal processing conditions on flavor stability in fluid milk: benzaldehyde. J. Dairy Sci. , 88, 1
Colahan-Sederstrom, P.M. and Peterson, D.G. 2005. Inhibition of key aroma compound generated during ultra-high temperature processing of bovine milk via epicatechin addition. J. Agric. Food Chem., 53, 389
Schober, A.L. and Peterson, D.G. 2004. Flavor release and perception in hard candy: Influence of flavor compound-compound interactions. J. Agric. Food Chem., 52, 2623
Schober, A.L. and Peterson, D.G. 2004. Flavor release and perception in hard candy: Influence of flavor compound-flavor solvent interactions.. J. Agric. Food Chem., 52, 2628
Peterson, D.G. and Reineccius, G.A. 2003. Determination of the aroma impact compounds in heated sweet cream butter. Flavour Frag. J., 18(4), 320
Peterson, D.G. and Reineccius, G.A. 2003. Characterization of the volatile compounds which constitute fresh sweet cream butter aroma. Flavour Grag. J. , 18(3), 215
Peterson, D.G. and Reineccius, G.A. 2002. Biological pathways for the formation of oxygen-containing aroma compounds. Heteroatomic Aroma Compounds ACS Symposium , 826, 227
Peterson, D.G. and Fulcher, R.G. 2001. A simple digital conversion of a traditional laboratory mixograph. Cereal Research Communications , 29(3-4), 397
Peterson, D.G. and Fulcher, R.G. 2001. Variation in Minnesota HRS wheats: Starch granule size distribution. Food Research International , 34 (4), 357